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We know that packing your pooch for a stay away from home can sometimes be nerve wracking. Do they need all of their toys? What about the secret bone that they "buried" under the couch? Here's a guide to ease your mind and help to pack everything that Fido may need!



What to Bring:


-Completed Registration Form and Vaccine Information: All dogs must be up to date on Rabies, DhPP and Bordetella Vaccines to stay with us

-Food: Pack a little extra just in case your pick-up gets delayed

-Favorite Toy: remember that in all the fun, it may not make it home in one piece!

-Treats/Chews: If you want your pup to have them while you are gone

-Anything else that may help your pup to be comfortable while you are away







Packing the Doghouse

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